Reflexology is holistic complementary health therapy that helps the body to restore its balance and heal naturally.
It works by applying pressure to points on the feet and hands and lower limbs. This stimulates and unblocks the energy throughout the body.
Reflexology has been practiced by Chinese and Egyptian more then 4000 years ago, and was introduced to the West in the early 20th century.
Eastern doctors discovered that particular points on the hands and feet tapped into the meridians (energy lines) and reflexes, which travel around the body, through our organs, glands and other tissues. Stimulating these meridians and reflexes can positively affect their flow, which, in turn, can lead to healing.
Fertility/ Maternity and Postnatal Reflexology
Fertility Reflexology is health therapy that can bring balance and harmony back into the body and maintain health and well being while trying to conceive.
Pregnancy brings great changes not only in the body but also physilcal and emotional changes for mothers. Maternity Reflexology supports a natural event, birth. Receiving regular treatments can help lower or prevent discomfort arising from pregnancy and can promote more comfortable delivery.
Postnatal Reflexology is very important for mothers as their bodies goes through lots of changes after birth. Postnatal Reflexology can help boost immune system, increase production of breast milk, it can also help by lifting the mood and regulate sleep pattern. Happy Mummy = Happy Baby.